



我们,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited 有限公司、 子公司、分支机构、受控实体和关联公司(下称“ Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited”,“我们”,“我们的”,“我们”),欢迎您进入和/或在我们网站上注册并订阅(下称“您”,“您的”)我们的服务(包括所有进入方式——网站、应用程式,以及由Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited应用程式支持的第三方应用程式等)(下称“平台”)。我们要求您阅读本私隐政策,私隐政策将构成约束性协议,约束我们对您的个人数据的使用方式(下称“私隐政策”)。您以任何形式使用本网站即表示同意本私隐政策。


作为我们恪守诚信并尊重个人私隐承诺的一部分,我们保护利益相关者的个人数据,包括员工、客户、股东、合作伙伴、供应商以及将个人信息交付于我们的其他利益相关者。 “个人数据”指任何确定个人身份或定位个人的信息,或能够确定个人身份或定位个人的任何信息。作为值得信赖的业务合作伙伴,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited一直努力根据适用的法律法规和行业标准保护个人数据。为此,本政策指导Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited如何收集、使用、存储、转移和保护个人数据。

Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited采取了许多安全措施来预防出现系统信息丢失、滥用或更改的情况。这些措施包括当您通过我们的网站向医疗服务供应商或患者发送个人信息或请求时,使用安全套接字层(SSL)系统和封闭信息系统对通信进行加密。如果您是我们网站的用户,除了本私隐政策之外,我们还可能要求您签署用户协议或以其他方式许可我们启用一些解释我们如何使用和披露健康信息的服务,并且,这些服务可能存在额外的私隐政策。如果您同意此类用户协议和/或其他私隐政策,则它们优先于本私隐政策。您可以在我们的条款及细则中找到我们的医生登入页面和患者登入页面的用户协议。在使用这些服务之前,请仔细阅读以下条款。


Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited可能会随时修改和更新私隐政策,恕不另行通知。我们建议您定期审阅本私隐政策,以查看我们的政策是否有任何可能影响您的变动。


我们可能会提供论坛,以便用户之间交换信息。您同意对您对此类论坛的使用行为承担全部责任。特别是,您理解我们不保证通过论坛获取的信息的准确性、可靠性、机密性或安全性。您应该理解,您通过我们的用户论坛披露的任何信息都将向公众开放。您同意您在用户论坛中发表的任何信息将成为Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited的专有财产。


Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited保留收集有关使用情况的信息的权限,例如访问次数,访问者来源和访问者活动。收集这些数据是为了改善整体用户体验,其中包括协助创建可能对我们的用户和我们的合作伙伴有吸引力的其他产品和服务。


我们将与第三方共享数据以用于分析目的,尤其是改善服务质量、功能和标准。我们使用第三方数据分析平台以多种方式改进Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited的服务。例如:Mixpanel:我们使用Mixpanel作为主要的分析工具,以了解我们的客户如何使用Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited服务,以及Mixpanel 雇员如何与您联络并向您了解使用我们产品的具体情况。您可以阅读MixPanel私隐政策和选择退出。我们还与第三方服务共享信息。为了继续改善我们的产品和服务,我们或我们的第三方合作伙伴可能会与您联络,以获取您对于我们当前产品的反馈意见,并征求有关我们如何改进它们的意见。


访问我们的产品受密码保护。强烈建议您不要将密码泄露给任何人,并定期更新密码。您应妥善管理您的密码。 Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited绝不会在未经同意的电话或未经请求的电子邮件中要求您提供密码。。


您的电子邮件地址仅用于我们或我们的第三方合作伙伴与您沟通,或代表您进行通信。您的电子邮件地址也可能在您忘记密码时用到或存于用户帐户信息中,并且将来可能会用来收发消息。除非您选择拒绝,否则我们也可能使用您的电子邮件地址向您发送促销和营销资料。有关使用香港和澳门用户的电子邮件地址发送促销和营销资料的信息,请参阅下面的“将个人数据用于直接营销目的”部分。 Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited绝不会向第三方公司提供您的电子邮件地址,除非我们已与该第三方公司明确签约,授权其代表我们提供服务。此外,用户可以随时撤消我们使用其电子邮件地址的许可,选择将来不接收任何信息。只需通过电子邮件([email protected])与我们联络。



Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited可能会要求您参加使用情况调查、问卷调查或投票,以便利我们用户的反馈和意见。当您参加与我们网站有关的调查,问卷或投票时,此信息将用于统计目的并改善我们的产品和服务。






每当您进入我们的服务时,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited都会收集您进入任何网站或使用任何第三方在线服务时您的浏览器或应用程式提供的有限信息。此外,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited可能会将数码存根存储于您的电脑硬碟中。我们从数码存根中获得的信息有助于我们定制网站,使其对访问者更加有用和高效。数码存根由不包含您或您的健康记录信息的唯一标识符组成。我们使用两种类型的数码存根,非持久数码存根和持久数码存根。非持久数码存根是临时的,在您结束使用并关闭网页浏览器后就会过期。我们使用非持久数码存根来帮助您定制您使用我们网站的体验,并在您浏览网站功能时保持登录状态。在您退出我们的网站后,永久数码存根仍保留在您的硬碟中,直到您将其擦除或过期。永久数码存根不会包含有关您的任何个人信息。



本网站提供了由第三方运营的网站的链接。 Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited无法控制此类链接网站的内容,并且对其内容不承担任何责任,也不对您通过我们网站上的链接进入此类网站的后果承担任何负责。您应该假设任何不带有Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited标识的信息都是由第三方提供的,并且在使用前,应阅读该网站的私隐声明。





我们收集有关您的健康信息并将其存储在个人健康记录中。创建的健康记录是Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited的财产,尽管其中包含的健康信息是您的财产。我们使用从您那里收集的信息为您提供服务。为此,我们会向我们的员工和其他参与提供所需护理的人员披露您的健康信息。除此之外,我们可能将您的个人数据用于以下一个或多个目的:

  • 向您提供您要求我们提供的与我们服务有关的信息。我们可能与通过我们为您提供服务的医生或医疗保健供应商提供您的健康信息
  • Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited日常运营所需信息。我们可能会使用和披露有关您的健康信息,以审查和改善我们提供的服务的质量,或提高我们专业人员的能力和资格。
  • 向您提供您可能感兴趣的其他医疗保健产品和服务有关的信息。如果您选择不接收此类信息,则将不再提供此类附加信息。有关将您的个人数据用于促销或营销目的的政策,请参阅下面的“将个人数据用于直接营销目的”部分。
  • 通知您我们的网站、服务或商品和产品做出任何更改。
  • 与您联络或提醒您从我们或我们的合作伙伴中选择的产品和服务的信息。
  • 医学检查、法律服务和审计必须时,包括欺诈、滥用检测、合规计划以及业务规划和公司管理。
  • 作为旨在得出可用于促销目的或以其他方式发布的数据、见解或其他发现的研究或数据挖掘活动的一部分。用于促销目的或以任何方式发布的所有数据将被汇总并做匿名处理。
  • Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited与许多企业一样,有时会雇用其他公司来执行某些与业务相关的功能,例如处理付款。当我们雇用另一家公司来执行这类功能时,我们仅向他们提供执行特定功能所需的信息。


  • 通过我们的网站为您提供服务的医生或医疗保健供应商。
  • 推荐您使用我们服务的保险公司,在向Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited付款之前,可能需要提供服务证明和/或医疗报告;或他们是否获准授权服务或做出推荐。
  • 为您或您的医生提供服务(例如X射线服务或实验室检测服务)以获取检测结果或用于开具发票的第三方服务供应商。
  • 我们的业务伙伴,例如为我们提供账单服务或行政管理服务的业务伙伴。 Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited与每个业务伙伴都有签订协议,要求这些服务提供商对我们提供给他们的信息保密和确保安全性。
  • 为了数据挖掘和提供其他见解以及完善Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited提供的服务而帮助我们收集您的信息或与您沟通的公司,如研究公司和评级机构。
  • Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited在适用的司法管辖区的法律和/或监管义务下必须披露信息的政府或监管机构。
  • 提供诊疗记录的供应商(如果适用)。未经您事先书面许可,我们不会使用或披露您的诊疗记录,但以下情况除外:诊疗记录的作者使用记录内容为您提供治疗、培训我们的员工、学生和其他受训者;在您起诉我们或提出其他法律请求时为自己辩护;当法律要求我们出于某些原因向您或者其他机构披露诊疗记录时;回应与您的医生有关的医疗监督活动时;为避免对健康或安全造成严重和迫在眉睫的威胁;或者在去世后向验尸官或医学检查员提供诊疗记录时。根据您撤销使用或披露您诊疗记录的程度,我们将停止使用或披露记录内容,除非上述某一种情况适用时。



我们的网站在运行过程中,可能有必要将我们从您那里收集的数据转移到新加坡、香港和澳门以外的地方进行处理和存储。向我们提供您的个人数据,即表示您同意此类传输、存储或处理操作。我们将尽最大努力确保采取所有合理步骤,以确保您的数据得到安全存储。 Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited保护个人数据免受丢失、滥用或未经授权的进入、披露、更改或破坏。我们根据数据敏感度采用恰当的安全程序存储任何形式的个人数据。不幸的是,通过互联网发送信息并不完全安全,有时这些信息可能会被拦截。我们不能保证您以电子方式发送给我们的数据的安全性。发送此类信息完全由您自担风险。



除按照本私隐政策及以下详述的情况外,我们不会将您的个人信息透露给任何第三方:在我们出售任何或全部业务时; 法律要求我们披露您的个人信息时; 为了进一步防止欺诈发生及降低欺诈风险时。本私隐政策讨论的其他情况。




除上述目的外,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited计划将您的个人详细信息用于促销或营销目的,包括向您发送促销资料并就以下产品、服务、建议和主题进行直接营销:医疗/保健;药物;教育;培训;奖励/忠诚/特权计划;体育馆和健身房;体育和特别活动;运动及健身器材;食品与饮品;健康补品;水疗中心和类似的休闲活动及其他休闲服务;电信和移动服务;互联网;其他零售/消费产品和服务;健康和慈善/非营利事业;旅游服务;保险; (下称“营销类别”)。

为了进行直接营销,我们可能会将您的个人详细信息提供给上述任何营销类别的供应商(及其代理)(无论在Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited内部还是外部),以便他们可以与您联络和/或向您发送促销资料和对其产品和服务进行直接营销(这些资料可能通过邮政、电子邮件或其他方式发送给您)。我们可能会将您的个人详细信息提供给任何营销类别的供应商(无论在Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited内部还是外部)以获取收益。



您将来可能会撤销您对Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited以直接营销目的使用您的个人详细信息并将其提供给第三方的同意,在您撤销同意后,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited将停止将此类数据用于直接营销目的。







除本私隐政策所述内容外,未经您的书面许可,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited不会使用可以识别您的身份的个人和/或健康信息。我们致力于确保个人数据对于其预期用途而言是准确、完整和可靠的。如果您确实授权Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited为其他目的使用或披露您的个人和/或健康信息,您可以随时以书面形式撤销您的授权。您有权通过书面要求随时进入您的个人数据。由于Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited在恢复个人数据方面须要投入成本,Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited保留就提供恢复个人数据服务收取象征性费用的权利。您有权要求Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited修改您认为不完整或不正确的个人和/或健康信息。您必须提出书面修改请求。如果我们没有信息或未创建信息,我们可能会拒绝该请求。


如果您对此私隐政策、我们的政策和惯例、您在此私隐政策下的权利以及您与Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited的交易有任何疑问,或者需要进入或更正您的个人数据,请发送电子邮件至[email protected]

Data Protection Officer

Privacy Policy


The Privacy Policy was updated on March 24, 2023. Please review to note changes.

We, MediLink Biotech (HK) Limited, subsidiaries, affiliates, controlled entities and related companies (“Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “our”), welcome you to access and/or register and subscribe to our website (“your”). (“Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited”, “we”, “us”, “our”), welcome you to access and/or register on our website and subscribe (“you”, “your”) to our services (“Services”). including all methods of access – the Website, the Application, and third party applications powered by the Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited Application, etc.) (“Platform”). We ask that you read this Privacy Policy, which will constitute a binding agreement governing our use of your personal data (“Privacy Policy”). Your use of the Site in any form constitutes your consent to this Privacy Policy.



As part of our commitment to integrity and respect for the privacy of individuals, we protect the personal data of our stakeholders, including employees, customers, shareholders, partners, suppliers and other stakeholders who give us personal information. “Personal data” means any information that identifies or locates an individual, or any information that can identify or locate an individual. As a trusted business partner, Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited strives to protect personal data in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards. To that end, this policy guides how Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited collects, uses, stores, transfers and protects personal data.


Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited has implemented a number of security measures to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of system information. These measures include the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) systems and closed message systems to encrypt communications when you send personal information or requests to healthcare providers or patients through our website. If you are a user of our website, in addition to this Privacy Policy, we may require you to sign a user agreement or otherwise give us permission to enable services that explain how we use and disclose health information, and additional privacy policies may exist for these services. If you agree to such user agreements and/or other privacy policies, they take precedence over this Privacy Policy. You can find the user agreements for our physician login page and patient login page in our Terms and Conditions. Please read the following terms carefully before using these services.


Revisions, Changes and Updates

Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited may revise and update this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. We recommend that you review this Privacy Policy periodically to see if there are any changes to our policies that may affect you.


User Forums

We may provide forums to facilitate the exchange of information among users. You agree to accept full responsibility for your use of such forums. In particular, you understand that we do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, confidentiality or security of the information obtained through the forums. You should understand that any information you disclose through our User Forums will be made available to the public. You agree that any information you post in the User Forums will become the exclusive property of Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited.


Visitor Information

Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited reserves the right to collect information about usage, such as the number of visits, the source of visitors and visitor activity. This data is collected to improve the overall user experience, which includes helping to create additional products and services that may be attractive to our users and our partners.


Third Party Services

We will share data with third parties for analytical purposes, particularly to improve service quality, functionality and standards. We use third-party data analytics platforms to improve Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited’s services in a variety of ways. For example: Mixpanel: We use Mixpanel as our primary analytics tool to understand how our customers use Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited services and how Mixpanel employees can contact you and provide you with specific information about the use of our products. You can read the MixPanel Privacy Policy and opt-out. We also share information with third party services. In order to continue to improve our products and services, we or our third party partners may contact you to obtain your feedback on our current products and to solicit ideas on how we can improve them.


Password Protection

Access to our products is password-protected. We strongly recommend that you do not disclose your password to anyone and that you update it regularly. You should manage your password properly. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or unsolicited email.



Your email address is only used by us or our third party partners to communicate with you, or to correspond on your behalf. Your email address may also be used if you forget your password or stored in your user account information and may be used to send and receive messages in the future. We may also use your email address to send you promotional and marketing materials unless you choose to opt out. Please see the “Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes” section below for information on the use of Hong Kong and Macau user email addresses to send promotional and marketing materials. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited will never provide your email address to a third party company unless we have expressly contracted with that third party company to provide services on our behalf. In addition, users may revoke our permission to use their email addresses at any time and opt out of receiving any future messages. Simply contact us via email. ([email protected])

If you access our site only through a third party application, you will not receive promotional and marketing materials in your email.


Survey Questionnaires and Polls

Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited may ask you to participate in usage surveys, questionnaires or polls to facilitate feedback and opinions from our users. When you participate in a survey, questionnaire or poll related to our website, this information will be used for statistical purposes and to improve our products and services.


This section may not apply if our website is accessed only through a third party application.


Marketing Products and Services

We may display advertisements about third party products and services on our Service interface so that you can see them when you use the Service. We may also send marketing materials to you via email unless you choose to opt out. Please see the “Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes” section below for information on sending promotional and marketing materials using the email addresses of Hong Kong and Macau users. We may receive compensation for advertising from suppliers of these products and services. We may use computer programming processes to tailor advertisements to you or your use of the system. However, other than as described above, we do not disclose any information that identifies you to any third party in order for that third party to market products or services directly to you.


Ad placement and the sending of marketing materials via email may not apply if accessing our site only through a third party application.



Whenever you access our services, Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited collects limited information from your browser or application when you access any website or use any third party online service. In addition, Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited may store a cookie on your computer’s hard drive. The information we obtain from the cookies helps us to customize the Site to make it more useful and efficient for visitors. A dongle consists of a unique identifier that does not contain information about you or your health record. We use two types of digital stubs, non-persistent digital stubs and persistent digital stubs. Non-persistent cookies are temporary and expire when you stop using them and close your web browser. We use non-persistent digital stubs to help you customize your experience with our site and to stay logged in as you navigate the site’s features. After you exit our site, a permanent cookie remains on your hard drive until you erase it or it expires. The permanent cookie does not contain any personal information about you.


This section does not apply if you access our site only through a third party application.


Links to Additional Information

This site provides links to sites operated by third parties. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited has no control over the content of such linked sites and is not responsible for their content, nor for the consequences of accessing such sites through links on our site. You should assume that any information that does not bear the Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited logo is provided by a third party and should read the privacy statement of that site before using it.


This section does not apply if accessing our website only through a third party application.


Age Restrictions

We do not intend to accept any information from persons under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please leave this site immediately. We urge parents to monitor and supervise their children’s online activities.


Use of Your Information

We collect health information about you and store it in a personal health record. The health records created are the property of Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited, although the health information contained therein is your property. We use the information we collect from you to provide services to you. To do this, we may disclose your health information to our employees and others who are involved in providing needed care. In addition, we may use your personal data for one or more of the following purposes:


To provide you with information that you request from us in connection with our services. We may provide your health information to physicians or health care providers who provide services to you through us.


Information necessary for the day-to-day operation of Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited. We may use and disclose health information about you to review and improve the quality of the services we provide or to enhance the competence and qualifications of our professional staff.


To provide you with information about other health care products and services that may be of interest to you. If you choose not to receive such information, such additional information will not be provided. For our policy on the use of your personal data for promotional or marketing purposes, please see the “Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes” section below.

To notify you of any changes to our website, services or goods and products.


To contact you or alert you to information about products and services you have selected from us or our partners.


Legal services and audits when necessary, including fraud and abuse detection, compliance programs, and business planning and corporate governance.


As part of research or data mining activities designed to generate data, insights or other findings that can be used for promotional purposes or otherwise published. All data used for promotional purposes or published in any way will be aggregated and anonymized.


Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited, like many businesses, sometimes hires other companies to perform certain business-related functions, such as processing payments. When we hire another company to perform such functions, we provide them with only the information needed to perform the specific function.


In order to provide services to you, we may provide your personal data to third parties, which may include, but is not limited to, the following:

Doctors or health care providers who provide services to you through our website.


Insurance companies that refer you to our services, which may require proof of service and/or medical reports before payment can be made to Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited; or whether they are authorized to provide services or make referrals.


Third party service providers who provide services (such as x-ray services or laboratory testing services) to you or your physician to obtain test results or for invoicing purposes.


Our business partners, such as those who provide billing services or administrative services for us. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited has agreements with each of these business partners that require these service providers to maintain the confidentiality and security of the information we provide to them.


Companies that help us collect information about you or communicate with you for the purpose of data mining and providing additional insights and refinements to the services Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited provides, such as research firms and rating agencies.


Governmental or regulatory agencies to which Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited is required to disclose information under the legal and/or regulatory obligations of the applicable jurisdiction.


Providers who provide medical records (if applicable). We will not use or disclose your medical records without your prior written permission, except to the extent that the author of the medical record uses the contents of the record to provide treatment to you, to train our staff, students and other trainees, to defend ourselves if you sue us or make other legal claims, when we are required by law to disclose medical records to you or another organization for certain reasons, in response to medical surveillance activities related to your physician, or for the purpose of disclosing medical records to you or another organization. medical supervision activities related to your physician; to avoid a serious and imminent threat to health or safety; or to provide medical records to a coroner or medical examiner after death. Depending on the extent to which you revoke the use or disclosure of your medical records, we will cease to use or disclose the contents of the records except when one of these circumstances applies.


Any notice of use of your personal data for direct contact purposes as described above will not apply if access to our website is only through a third party application.


Storage of your personal data

In the course of operating our website, it may be necessary to transfer the data we collect from you to a location outside of Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau for processing and storage. By providing us with your personal data, you consent to such transfer, storage or processing. We will use our best efforts to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure that your data is stored securely. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited protects personal data from loss, misuse or unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. We store any form of personal data using appropriate security procedures based on the sensitivity of the data. Unfortunately, sending information over the Internet is not completely secure and sometimes these messages may be intercepted. We cannot guarantee the security of data you send to us electronically. Sending such information is entirely at your own risk.


We use third party payment processors to process the payments we receive. When processing such payments, we do not retain financial information such as credit card numbers. Instead, all such information is provided directly to our third party processor, Stripe, whose use of your personal information is governed by its privacy policy, which can be found at https://stripe.com/us/privacy.


Disclosure of Your Information

We will not disclose your personal information to any third party except in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as detailed below: when we sell any or all of our business; when we are required by law to disclose your personal information; to further prevent fraud and reduce the risk of fraud. Other situations discussed in this Privacy Policy.


For users outside of Hong Kong and Macau, unless you choose to opt out, you hereby consent to our use of your personal information for the purposes set out above and/or the provision of your personal information to the aforementioned transferees, and we may use and/or provide your personal details for promotional or marketing purposes.


For Hong Kong and Macau users only, we must obtain your verifiable consent before using your personal details for such purposes and/or providing your personal details to such transferees, and we may only use and/or provide your personal details for any promotional or marketing purposes after obtaining such verifiable consent.


You may revoke your consent to Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited using your personal details for direct marketing purposes and providing them to third parties in the future, and upon your revocation of consent, Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited will cease using such data for direct marketing purposes.


If you wish to withdraw your consent, please notify us by mail or email using the address in the “Questions, Complaints and Contacts” section. Any such request should specify the personal details of the person to whom the request is directed.


This section may not apply if access to our website is via a third party application.


Third-Party Links

From time to time, our website may contain links to third party networks. By providing a link, we do not imply that we endorse or approve the privacy policy of the visitor to that website. You should review their privacy policy before sending any personal data to them.


This section does not apply if our website is accessed only through a third party application.


Protection of Personal Data

Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited will not use personal and/or health information that identifies you without your written permission, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We are committed to ensuring that personal data is accurate, complete and reliable for its intended use. If you do authorize Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited to use or disclose your personal and/or health information for other purposes, you may revoke your authorization in writing at any time. You have the right to access your personal data at any time by written request. Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited reserves the right to charge a nominal fee for the provision of personal data recovery services due to the costs Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited incurs in recovering personal data. You have the right to request that Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited correct personal and/or health information that you believe to be incomplete or inaccurate. You must submit your request for correction in writing. If we do not have the information or have not created the information, we may deny the request.


Questions, Complaints and Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our policies and practices, your rights under this Privacy Policy and your dealings with Medilink Biotech (HK) Limited, or need to access or correct your personal data, please send an email to [email protected]


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